

My fellow communicators,

The UT Office of Research has three venues for acknowledging the
accomplishments of UTK faculty. We invite you to submit items for possible
publication in any of these venues.

1. Scholar of the Week. This method of recognizing outstanding faculty
accomplishment brings attention to specific faculty members who have had
recent noteworthy accomplishments in research, scholarship, and creative

Scholar of the Week requires nomination by a dean, department head, or
fellow faculty members. If you identify a faculty member who should be
nominated, feel free to recommend nomination to the head of your unit.

Nominations should include (a) a short paragraph with department and rank,
(b) specific field of work within the discipline, and (c) details of the
recent accomplishment that is worthy of recognition.
Nominations should be forwarded to Alan Rutenberg ([log in to unmask]).

SOTW appears on the main UTK web page and is archived on the Quest web site.
For SOTW examples, see

2. The "Awards & Recognition" newsletter is mailed both electronically and
in hard copy to some 1,400 faculty and selected administrative staff. The
newsletter is published on an as-needed basis and contains (a) the list of
recent funding awards by faculty and (b) three-sentence (max) briefs on very
recent recognition coming to UT faculty. The awards list is generated from
the Office of Research database; the recognitions are the product of faculty

Appropriate items include honors, leading positions in professional journals
or organizations, life-time achievement recognition, etc. We sometimes
mention grad and undergrad students who have achieved "best paper" honors,
etc., but the focus needs to include their faculty mentors, when possible.

You can see recent Recognition items at

3." A Year of Accomplishment, 2012." This summary list is compiled from the
recognitions published in the A&R newsletter and other sources and is
published in poster form and in the Daily Beacon shortly after the end of
the year. It is a selective list that does not include students and focuses
on the most prestigious faculty honors.

For a look at the 2011 Year of Accomplishment poster, see

AND ALSO, Charles Primm ([log in to unmask]), Martha Rudolph
([log in to unmask]), and I are on the watch for book publications
(monographs) by faculty authors. If any of your faculty has published a book
in 2011, please e-mail brief details to one of us.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Bill Dockery
Coordinator, Research Communication
Office of Research, University of Tennessee
1534 White Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996-1529
    [log in to unmask]
It is not ignorance but knowledge
which is the mother of wonder.
    -- Joseph Wood Krutch

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