


There is still practice on Judo monday since TREC is open.

Members- make sure you have your dues in next week- I have spoke to many of
you who have came to me in person- thank you. As for everyone else who is
not an instructor or volunteer (non-student) coach- your dues are $45. If we
are not quick to turn in dues and waivers, our practices will be suspended
bu Club Sports. Insurance cards are no longer required.

Instructors- please make sure that everyone on the mat during your practice
has a waiver- (a complete waiver) every blank on the front and back must be
filled out except for vehicle information. The signature on the back at the
very bottom (and top for hazing) is required for *every waiver*.


Please send me info about your trip and new instructor, if list of people
going is not provided to me 2.5 weeks before, reimbursement is impossible.
Also! please provide me the names of your members that have paid in cash,
and please personally hold dues (or speak with me) until they can be handed
over in person.

Friday night Randori has been reinstated to Friday nights at 7:00pm. If TKD
is still sparring from their class, please allow them equal opportunity for
sparring space.

Stay tuned for Sunday stretch/yoga


Tucker Netherton

Martial Arts Club President
Dean's Student Advisory Council