Conference Call for Papers


The Information Ethics Roundtable

Conference on Privacy and the Challenge of Technology

Hunter College

New York, New York
April 27, 2012

Tentative Keynote Speaker: Helen Nissenbaum,
(Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU), author of Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life (Stanford Law, 2010)

In one sense information technology has been a boon for privacy. For instance, ATMs and online banking mean that we seldom have to present ourselves to a teller. Online shopping offers similar benefits. However, technology can also pose a serious threat to privacy, since so much of what we now do leaves an enduring digital record. This information can then be recombined to create detailed personal profiles that couldn’t have emerged in pre-digital days. Moreover, these profiles can in turn be swiftly disseminated without our consent or even knowledge.

Information ethics studies the value questions that arise from the creation, control, and access to information. The Information Ethics Roundtable is a yearly conference that brings together information scientists, librarians, philosophers, and social scientists to discuss ethical issues such as intellectual property, intellectual freedom, and censorship. This year’s conference will address conceptual, empirical, and ethical issues related to privacy and the connection between privacy and information technology. Questions addressed will include:

We invite submissions on any of the above or closely related topics. If you are interested, please submit an abstract of up to 500 words to [log in to unmask]  Include your full name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address.  Address any queries about the conference to Tony Doyle, Hunter College Library, at the address given above.                              

Submission Deadline: January 2, 2012

Acceptance Notification: January 31, 2012