You might consider the LSW (Library Society of the World) group - the talk vacillates between social and professional issues, including the sharing of pertinent articles and questions about best practices across a wide range of library issues, as well as social issues including labor and gay rights. (There is some amount of chit chat; it's a mixed-use group). It has also been up and running since about 2007, which is better longevity than most of the facebook groups I've seen pop up and die. If interested, the active friendfeed discussion is at , though the group has a webpage for more static content. I've found it an invaluable resource of a great array of practitioners, as well as a handful of SLIS professors. There's no good archiving mechanism, unfortunately, but the conversations are threaded and so easier to maintain than twitter conversations.



Colleen S. Harris

Head of Access Services & Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Lupton Library

On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Gretchen Whitney <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
 How does one access StanleyK or StanlyK? I have tried Yahoo Groups and the name is not recognized.  Please tell us how to access StanleyK. thanks. We are interested.


Gretchen Whitney, PhD, Retired
School of Information Sciences
University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996 USA           [log in to unmask]

On Sat, 24 Sep 2011, Lisa Hinchliffe wrote:
Um, StanleyK is still ongoing ....

Lisa Hinchliffe
Past-President, 2011-2012, Association of College and Research Libraries
Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library 434, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801
217-333-1323 (voice); 217-244-4358 (fax)

On Sep 24, 2011, at 7:39 PM, Gretchen Whitney <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Greetings all,
 I'm getting the impression from some agitated readers (just a few) that all of the library-oriented discussion groups concerning library issues, both processes (cataloging, acquisitions, reference and the like) have disappeared, as have those surrounding social issues such as labor rights, gay issues, and homeless issues.
 And jESSE is supposed to pick up the slack.  It can't, and it will not. It can't deal with all of the internet and technical issues that librarians, much less information scientists, need to be aware of.   It has its own issues to deal with.
 In the early days of the Internet, these library issue discussion groups were gathered together in a single list - but I regret that I cannot remember the name of the web sitet.
 Who is keeping track of library-oriented discussion lists now, whether on listservs (and related software based on e-mail), Facebook, or whatever software?
 I'd avoid the usual culprits - ALA, PLA and the like. They are obvious as professional associations.
 Who has pulled all of these professional discussions together?

 I'd avoid chit-chat lists.  I'm looking for professional conversations. Chit-chat lists don't survive IMHO. I'm not against chit-chat lists.  They have their place in professional discussions.  But jESSE isn't one of them.  Stanley something was a chit-chat list that didn't last a year. jESSSE has lasted nearly eighteen years.  I'm loathe to change its practices.

 But where are these professional conversations taking place? Please let us know.  Who and where are librarianss talking?


Gretchen Whitney, PhD, Retired
School of Information Sciences
University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996 USA           [log in to unmask]
