Campus  communicators,
Please feel free to share with others around the university.

All UT departments are welcome to join as we host Mac Papers for a fun and informative morning. Graham Riley, general manager of Mac Papers – Chattanooga, will cover “all things paper”. Then, Wayne Dennis, corporate director of sustainability at Mac Paper, will present a Go-Green position that may surprise you. Representatives from Wausau Paper and Mowhawk Paper also will be there with products on display. Hope to see you there!



October 19 in room 156/157 of the Plant Biotech Building

9:00 a.m. Coffee & Pastries

9:30-11:00 a.m. Program and Discussion




“Paper 101”

Paper can be confusing! Regardless of your level of paper knowledge, you’re sure to learn something new.

Topics will include:

o   Manufacturing process

o   Paper weights and types

o   Paper grades (brightness, gloss levels)

o   Coated vs. Uncoated

o   Digital papers



“Save a Tree – Use Paper”

Facts show that using paper is one of the best environmentally responsible and sustainable options for effective communications! Surprised? Find out why.

Topics will include:

o   Why paper and print are the best environmentally responsible choices

o   What is best for the environment? Recycling vs. Forest Sustainability

o   Supporting UT’s environmental initiatives through paper specifications

o   How to measure the eco-footprint in your department

o   Industry developments




RSVP by October 12 by calling 974-7141, or emailing [log in to unmask] with subject line “Mac Paper Attendee.” Include your name, email and department.


Jean M Hulsey

UTIA Marketing and Communications
104 Morgan Hall, 2621 Morgan Circle
t ] 865-974-0132 [ f
 ] 865-974-9433


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