

Just a reminder....TOYOTA Auditorium - Free & open to the Public!

Mon., Sept. 19 @ 6 pm - Baker Center's Global Security Group presents 
Ambassador Linton Brooks on "21st Century Nuclear Challenges."  
Despite the nuclear programs of rogue states Iran and North Korea, the threat 
of nuclear terrorism, increasing numbers of nuclear weapons in volatile or fragile 
parts of the world like Pakistan, or the nuclear disaster in Japan - the nuclear 
security agenda has receded in the national debate.  Global stockpiles of 
nuclear weapons, vulnerable nuclear material worldwide, and the byproducts of 
nuclear energy production will remain among the central challenges to US 
national security and global stability throughout the 21st century.

This event is also sponsored by the Hudson Institute, Partnership for a Secure 
America, and the Stanley Foundation.

Sept. 20 @ 9:30 a.m. - "Trade Policy in Latin America"   Natalie van der Horst is 
an Economic and Commercial Officer in the Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs in 
the Bureau of Economic, Energy, and Business Affairs at the U.S. Department 
of State. Her responsibilities include developing and implementing U.S. trade 
policy for the countries of South America and Panama, expanding trade access 
for U.S. goods and services in these countries, and coordinating bi-lateral 
international economic dialogues with countries in her portfolio.  

Join us this week!