

Sept. 12 @ 6 pm - TN Speech & Debate Society - New Tennessee Voting Laws

Sept. 15 @ 3:30 pm - Baker Center Interdisciplinary Group on Energy and 
Environmental Policy - Dr. Jim Sanchirico (Univ. CA, Davis) presents "The Role 
of Bioeconomic Modeling in the Design and Analysis of Ecosystem Based 
Management Policies."  A scientific consensus is developing on the need to 
transform marine and coastal management to a more holistic ecosystem-based 
approach.   The presentation will investigate the economic and ecological gains 
from expanding the scope of management objectives in two related systems.

Sept. 19 @ 6 pm - Baker Center's Global Security Group presents Ambassador 
Linton Brooks on "21st Century Nuclear Challenges."  Despite the nuclear 
programs of rogue states Iran and North Korea, the threat of nuclear terrorism, 
increasing numbers of nuclear weapons in volatile or fragile parts of the world 
like Pakistan, or the nuclear disaster in Japan - the nuclear security agenda has 
receded in the national debate.  Global stockpiles of nuclear weapons, 
vulnerable nuclear material worldwide, and the byproducts of nuclear energy 
production will remain among the central challenges to US national security and 
global stability throughout the 21st century.

Ambassador Brooks has over five decades of experience in national security, 
much of it associated with nuclear policy. While he currently is a senior advisor 
at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a distinguished 
research fellow at the National Defense University, he previously served as the 
administrator of the US Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security 
Administration and chief negotiator of the first Strategic Arms Reduction 
Treaty, as well as in other key US government positions. Prior to his 
government service, he was a career Navy officer deployed on four nuclear-
equipped ships.

This event is also sponsored by the Hudson Institute, Partnership for a Secure 
America, and the Stanley Foundation.

Sept. 20 @ 9:30 a.m. - "Trade Policy in Latin America"   Natalie van der Horst is 
an Economic and Commercial Officer in the Office of Bilateral Trade Affairs in 
the Bureau of Economic, Energy, and Business Affairs at the U.S. Department 
of State. Her responsibilities include developing and implementing U.S. trade 
policy for the countries of South America and Panama, expanding trade access 
for U.S. goods and services in these countries, and coordinating bi-lateral 
international economic dialogues with countries in her portfolio.  From 2009 to 
2011, Ms. van der Horst was an Economic and Commercial Officer with the U.S. 
Embassy in Tegucigalpa. She served as the Embassy's primary officer for trade 
issues, led the Embassy's commercial advocacy efforts to assist U.S. firms, 
coordinated trade missions, promoted public-private partnerships, and 
encouraged the practice of corporate social responsibility.Prior to her 
assignment in Honduras, Ms. van der Horst served as a Vice Consul at the U.S. 
Consulate General in Lagos, Nigeria from 2006 to 2008. Before joining the 
Department of State, Ms. van der Horst was a Global Trade Content Manager 
for NextLinx Corporation (now Management Dynamics), a trade management 
software company. Prior to that, she conducted research and policy analysis 
with the Virginia-based defense consulting firm Croton Institute.