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Dear colleagues,

Please access the full text of the journal here:

Thank you very much!

Dr. Zapopan Muela

LIS Critique, Director & Editor in Chief


Table of Contents / Sumario



Library and Information Science Critique launches its first issue of the fourth volumen (Jan-Jun 2011), por: Zapopan Martín Muela Meza (MÉXICO), pp. 7-8 [English version]




Crítica Bibliotecológica lanza su primer número de su cuarto volumen (ene-jun 2011), por: Zapopan Martín Muela Meza (MÉXICO), pp. 5-6 [versión en español]



Articles / Artículos

Los derechos humanos como guía para el quehacer de las bibliotecas, por: Pedro López López (ESPAÑA), pp. 9-19 [original en español]


Human rights as guidelines for the library practice, by: Pedro López López (SPAIN), pp. 9-19 [original in Spanish] [English abstract]


Bibliotecas carcelarias: una experiencia cordobesa, por: Silvia María Mateo; Verónica Lencinas; Juan Pablo Gorostiaga; Angélica Villarreal; Romina Flores; Roberto Cattáneo (ARGENTINA), pp. 20-30 [original en español]


Prison libraries: a experience from Cordoba, Argentina, by: Silvia María Mateo; Verónica Lencinas; Juan Pablo Gorostiaga; Angélica Villarreal; Romina Flores; Roberto Cattáneo (ARGENTINA), pp. 20-30 [original in Spanish] [English abstract]


Open Access to research in academic institutions: African perspectives, by: Priti Jain; Reason Baathuli Nfila (BOTSWANA), pp. 31-48 [original in English]


Acceso Abierto para la investigación en las instituciones académicas: perspectivas africanas, por: Priti Jain; Reason Baathuli Nfila (BOTSUANA), pp. 31-48 [original en inglés] [resumen]


Innovative methods for information representation and new knowledge creation in Digital Libraries by: Iryna Solodovnik (UKRAINE), pp. 49-72 [original in English]


Métodos innovativas para la representación y creación de nuevo conocimiento en Bibliotecas Digitales por: Iryna Solodovnik (UCRANIA), pp. 49-72 [original en inglés] [resumen]


Book reviews / Reseñas

Reseña al libro: Con los perdedores del mejor de los mundos: expediciones al interior de Alemania, de Günter Wallraff (Anagrama, 2010, ISBN: 9788433925909), por: Pedro López López  (ESPAÑA), pp. 73-75 [original en español]


Book review: With the losers of the best of worlds: expeditions inside Germany, [1] de Günter Wallraff (Anagrama, 2010, ISBN: 9788433925909), por: Pedro López López  (ESPAÑA), pp. 73-75 [original in Spanish]


Contenido / Contents




Library and Information Science Critique launches its first issue of the fourth volume (Jan-Jun 2011), by: Zapopan Martín Muela-Meza (MEXICO)


Dear reader,


Library and Information Science Critique: the Journal of the Sciences of Information Recorded in Documents puts in your hands the first issue of the fourth volumen. This corresponds to the January-June 2011, edited fully by Zapopan Martín Muela-Meza.


Library and Information Science Critique maintains firmly its critical editorial policy against censorship and intelectual impostures within the sciences of information recorded in documents, at the same time maintains its editorial quality through a rigorous double-blinded peer-review process through an editorial board comprising 22 experts of the theory and practice of various sciences of information recorded in documents from different parts of the world: Germany (1); Argentina (2); Brazil (1); Colombia (1); Spain (2); India (2); Italy (1); Kenia (1); Mexico (4); Nicaragua (1); Peru (2); Portugal (1); Serbia (1); South Africa (1); Venezuela (1).


New in this issue. Only 4 articles were published in this number: 1 from Spain; 1 from Argentina; 1 from Botswana; and 1 from Ukraine, and a book review from Spain; contributing a total of 10 authors.


Pedro López López (SPAIN) opens up (originally in Spanish) the section of Articles with his critical work: “Human rights as guidelines for the library practice.”


From ARGENTINA, Silvia María Mateo, Verónica Lencinas, Juan Pablo Gorostiaga, Angélica Villarreal, Romina Flores, and Roberto Cattáneo, continue (originally in Spanish) with the critical debates with their paper: “Prison libraries: a experience from Cordoba, Argentina.”


Priti Jain and Reason Baathuli Nfila (BOTSWANA) continue (originally in English) with the critical debates with their paper: ”Open Access to research in academic institutions: African perspectives.”


From UKRAINE, although studying her PhD at the University of Calabria, Italy, Iryna Solodovnik closes (originally in English) the section of Articles with her paper: “Innovative methods for information representation and new knowledge creation in Digital Libraries.”


Finally, Pedro López López (SPAIN), who above presented us an article, includes the book review: Con los perdedores del mejor de los mundos: expediciones al interior de Alemania, of Günter Wallraff (Anagrama, 2010).


Announcements: The deadline to receive contributions for the number 2 of the volume 4 (corresponding to July-December 2011) is October 30, 2011 to be published on December 31, 2011. Remember the three categories you can contribute in our journal in English or Spanish are: articles, essays, and book reviews. Send them to these e-mails: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], y [log in to unmask] . Instructions for authors here: .


I thank very much to our authors and readers that through these long 3 years have walked along with us with their critical Reading and contributions. I also earnestly thank our peer reviewers who have participated with our journal during this time, and who with their voluntary and uninterested efforts have contributed to maintain the highest quality standards of peer reviewing, and at the same time they have contributed to promote more and more authors time after time.


Thank you to all of you, since with you and for you it is that we continue ahead without rest in our editorial project. We keep in communication in the next issue.


Without more extensive prologues, we leave you with this great collective and international effort for you to submit it to your rigorous critique and analysis, and even more we wait in the next days for your critical contributions for the July-December 2011 issue. You might send us as well your comments and suggestions to improve the journal… congratulations are also welcome. Thank you. CB.

[1] Translatated by Z.M.Muela-Meza from Spanish to English since it was not found the English version at the time the issue was published. Title original in German: Aus der shönen neuen Welt: Expeditionen ins Landesinnere. OCLC record number: 700181489. 

Dr. Zapopan Martín Muela Meza, PhD 
Doctor in Information Studies, University of Sheffield, UK
"Only true persons are those who free man from
the chains that imprison his reason" -- Maxim Gorky, novel The Mother, 1907
"Sólo son verdaderas personas quienes arrancan al hombre
las cadenas que sujetan su razón." --Máximo Gorki, novela La madre, 1907

Dr. Zapopan Martín Muela Meza, PhD 
Doctor in Information Studies, University of Sheffield, UK
"Only true persons are those who free man from
the chains that imprison his reason" -- Maxim Gorky, novel The Mother, 1907
"Sólo son verdaderas personas quienes arrancan al hombre
las cadenas que sujetan su razón." --Máximo Gorki, novela La madre, 1907