

Now Available: Statewide Freight Plan Template

Freight transportation issues are complex, involving many stakeholders
who have different views on and approaches to resolving the issues and
challenges facing the freight transportation industry. Today, one of the
challenges facing public sector transportation professionals is
incorporating freight perspectives into the transportation planning
process. To address this challenge, FHWA has developed a Statewide
Freight Plan template, intended to assist State DOTs in including
freight analysis in the update of their plans and/or developing a
separate freight plan. The template presents options for including
freight in the planning process. Examples are provided to show how
agencies have used a format similar to the one showcased in the report
to advance their freight programs.

If a State decides to develop a freight plan, the State may find it
helpful to use the entire template, or draw upon specific elements that
are relevant to their unique situation.

The template is available in HTML and PDF at To
order hard copies of the document, please send an email with the number
of copies requested and shipping information to [log in to unmask]



Jennifer Symoun | Deputy Program Manager/Analyst
Science Applications International Corporation | 8301 Greensboro Drive,
McLean, VA 22102
Office: 703.676.6849 | Fax: 703.676.6823