We keep our UTRA office staffed every morning (9-12 AM) to prevent losing our office space from lack of use.  UTRA has wonderful volunteers who staff our office once a month and take advantage of a few quiet hours to read, use the computer, enjoy the AC and relax and escape the everyday hassles of life. 

We are looking for more such people to staff our weekday mornings.  Duties include checking the voice mail, recording messages in a log and answering the phone when it rings.  The job is pleasant, relaxing and very important to keep our office space and help with taking reservations for luncheons and field tripsWe have a parking pass to the garage conveniently located across the street and wonderful support people (Aubrey Mitchell, Ronda Stansell, Chuck Bryant and Michael Betz) to work with you. 

Please help if you can.  Call or email Ronda today at [log in to unmask] to help staff our office 



Chuck Bryant, cps

Benefits Specialist

UT Conference Center

600 Henley Street, Suite 115

Knoxville, TN 37996

(865) 974-6533

(865) 974-3559 Fax


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