

The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, the official research journal of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), is an online open-access, peer-reviewed journal.  The purpose of Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults is to enhance the development of theory, research, and practices to support young adult library services. Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults presents high quality original research concerning the informational and developmental needs of young adults; the management, implementation, and evaluation of library services for young adults; and other critical issues relevant to librarians who work with young adults. The journal also includes literary and cultural analyses of classic and contemporary writing for young adults.


Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults invites manuscripts based on original qualitative, quantitative, synthetic, or mixed method research; an innovative conceptual framework; or a substantial literature review that opens new areas of inquiry and investigation.  Case studies and works of literary analysis are also welcome. The journal’s editorial board recognizes the contributions that other disciplines make to expanding and enriching theory, research, and practice in young adult library services and encourages submissions from researchers, students, and practitioners in all fields.  Manuscripts are currently being accepted for the Summer 2011 issue. Please submit your manuscript by September 1, 2011.


The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults uses the Chicago Manual of Style endnotes.  For complete author guidelines including examples of citations, please visit the author guidelines.  While submissions average 4,000 to 7,000 words, manuscripts of all lengths will be considered.  Full color images, photos, and other media are all accepted.


Please contact Editor Sandra Hughes-Hassell at [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  to discuss submissions and author guidelines.  All completed manuscripts should be submitted as email attachments to [log in to unmask]  Please attach each figure or graphic as a separate file.


The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults is available online at <>  


Sandra Hughes-Hassell, Ph.D.


Coordinator of the School Library Media Program

Editor of the Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults

School of Information and Library Science

100 Manning Hall, CB #3360

The University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, NC 27599


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