


A research study is being conducted on librarians’ feelings about their individual professional performance and achievements in the workplace. The survey is open to all those working in any library.


We are asking participants to complete an online survey found at this address: Although times may vary with each individual, this survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. Responses will be completely anonymous and kept confidential by the researchers. This survey and study has been vetted by Texas Tech University’s Institutional Review Committee and Protection of Human Subjects Committee, and has been approved for exempt research.


This survey will be open until the end of August.


Please feel free to forward this email, and forgive any duplications you may have received.


If you have any questions, please contact us:


Kimberly Vardeman

Reference Librarian, Texas Tech University

806-742-2238 x 297

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Melanie Clark
Architecture Image Librarian, Texas Tech University
806-742-1171 x 286
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Shelley Barba

Metadata Librarian, Texas Tech University


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