Dr. Gloria Leckie has retired from the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS) at the University of Western Ontario, and has been appointed Professor Emeritus, effective July 1, 2011.    An internationally respected scholar and an outstanding academic leader,  Dr.  Leckie served as Associate Dean from 2000-2007 and as Acting Dean in 2006-2007.  As Undergraduate Chair, Associate Dean and Acting Dean,  Gloria guided the creation of an undergraduate program at FIMS that is now  home to 1000 students; she also presided over major graduate program expansion in both LIS and Media Studies, and she served prominently in several scholarly associations, including terms as President and Past-President of the Canadian Association for Information Science (CAIS) and as a member of the Board of Governors of ALISE.

            A prominent researcher, Gloria Leckie is the author of many highly regarded and award-winning publications, most recently three co-edited volumes with John Buschman and with John Buschman and Lisa Given, including the often cited 2007 collection,  Library as Place: History, Community and Culture. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited.  Gloria is also the 1998 recipient of the Ontario College and University Library Association award for Outstanding Contributions to Library Science.  

            In recognition of her career of exceptional contributions and achievements, the Faculty of Information and Media Studies is proud to announce Dr. Leckie’s appointment as Professor Emeritus.




Thomas Carmichael


Faculty of Information and Media Studies

University of Western Ontario

London, CANADA  N6A 5B7

Ph: (519) 661-4235