

Seeking input for "Dear Library School Student ..." book.  Please respond by 
June 24 if possible.  Please pass on to anyone who might be interested.  THANK 

We’re writing a career book aimed primarily at library school students.  We hope 
that the book may help students better prepare while they’re in school so that 
they can improve their chances of finding a job after graduation.  We’d 
appreciate your insights so that we can provide students a broader picture of 
what the working world is really like, and what employers look for when 
evaluating a pile of resumes.  If you have time to answer one or more of the 
following questions, we’d really appreciate it!   We would like to quote various 
information professionals in the book, so we may include your comments or 
contact you to follow up on your answers.  Thank you so much for your input!  

-- Priscilla Shontz & Rich Murray
1.      Hiring Process:  We would like to learn more about the hiring processes 
in various types of work environments.  Students ask us regularly about this.  
Would you share briefly what the job search process is like at your 
organization?  (We would especially like to hear about environments other than 
academic libraries.)  For example, is hiring done by a manager, an HR 
professional, or other?  Are applications received in paper or online format?  
Do you typically interview applicants on the phone before interviewing in 
person?  How long does a typical interview last?  How long does the entire job 
search process typically last (that is, how long would a candidate typically 
wait to hear about his application)?  What advice might you give someone writing 
a resume for your type of work environment?  Are cover letters and references 
given much weight?  Are online portfolios, video resumes, etc. helpful?  How 
much weight is given to the school the candidate attended, or the degrees he 

2.      Sample Resume/Cover Letter:  Would you be willing to share a sample 
resume or cover letter (changing names/specific info) for an entry-level job in 
your type of organization?  

3.      Resume, Cover Letter, Interview Mistakes: Can you give us an 
illustration of a mistake that someone made in a resume, cover letter, interview 
or job search situation – obviously not including any specifics?  Or tell us 
about a potential job search pitfall that a typical job searcher might not think 

4.      Interview:  What are some common interview questions in your workplace?  
What might be some tricky interview questions?  What advice might you give 
someone interviewing for an entry-level position at your workplace? 

5.      Added value:  What makes a candidate – particularly a recent grad who 
may be competing with experienced professionals -- stand out?  

6.      General advice:  If a MLS student asked you “what’s the most important 
thing I can do while I’m in school to prepare for my first job search,” what 
would you tell him or her? 

 Priscilla K. Shontz
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Editor, LIScareer
Library Career Consultant