Come One Come All!

I hope everyone’s semester wrapped up great!  I have some T-shirts for those of you that reserved one, let me know if you want to come get it tonight. I’m moving out tomorrow.

More importantly, I put in a trip request the other day about Mtn. Biking at Tsali. We can use our allocated money to pay for gas any day from May18-20 (Wed-Friday). Let me know if you are interested and which day is best. I have to figure out my work schedule as well, so I’m not sure which day I can go myself, haha.

Also, I’m trying to get together a rafting/and or Kayaking trip between May23-27th (Monday-Friday). Let me know which one you are interested in or both and what day is best for you. If anyone is experienced enough to be safety man/guide on either trip, also let me know. 


I know, some of you have already emailed me about these events, and if you have you don't need to again.

Thanks guys!


(423) 863-1521


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