Loudon High:  We allow students the number of days absent  +1.  (Out 3 days, work due in 4)
Blount County: Days absent times 2.  (Out 3 days, work due in 6 days)
Heather Waldron
Junior & Senior Counselor
Loudon High School (TN)
865-458-4326, ext 4005


From: Smoky Mountain Counselors [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Lori Whipple [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 8:20 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [SMC] Student Make Up Work Policy

Attention K – 12 Counselors:


When students, for various reasons, are absent from school, do any of you have policies in place to handle the missed assignments as a result of student absences?


I submitted a request for information on the ASCA Scene website/blog and received one response stating the school had a policy which is pretty standard called one for one…one day absent one day to make up the work; two days absent, two days to make up the work, etc.


What are your policies?


Thanks for your help,

Lori Whipple

Professional School Counselor

Jefferson Middle School

(865) 425 -9253

[log in to unmask]

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