

Brown Bag Chat with Former ALA President


Librarians have a history of providing strong leadership in many important areas including diversity. Join us for a informal lunchtime conversation about “Librarians as Emotionally Intelligent Leaders” with special guest, Dr. Camila Alire, former president of ALA.   Dr.Alire wil discuss how you can advance your career through service, leadership, advocacy and diversity.


Feel free to bring your lunch.  Enjoy the delicious light refreshments that will be served!      


What: Brown Bag Chat with Dr. Camila Alire
When: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 from noon-1:30.

Where: Hodges Library – The Mary Greer Room

Who:  Hodges Library and SIS faculty; SIS students


For more information contact:  Donna Silvey  [log in to unmask]



Ed Cortez

Director and Professor

The University of Tennessee

School of Information Sciences

451 Communications Bldg.

1345 Circle Park Dr.

Knoxville, TN 37996

Phone: (865) 974-2148

Fax:       (865) 974-4967

Email:    [log in to unmask]