

Lab 12 TWS Conversion

Dr. Baker,

I'm working through Lab 12, and I'm not quite sure how to properly convert the GWS code to a TWS, unfortunately it seems that the video lecture labled as dealing with Lab 12 actually has you going over Lab 13.  I took the liberty of sending this through the listserv as your answer can benefit the whole class

Based on pseudo code in the problem statement, I put together this code to add onto the 'Equations for Set 0'  where h is

h = (right_X - left_X)/mesh   where mesh is 10,20,40,80

Orginal GWS code+...
+asres2D((h^2)*Pe/12,[ ],[ ],-1,'B211L',q)...
+asres2D((h^2)*Pe/12,[ ],[ ],-1,'B212L',q)...
+asres2D((h^2)*Pe/12,[ ],[ ],-1,'B221L',q)...
+asres2D((h^2)*Pe/12,[ ],[ ],-1,'B222L',q);

I'm not sure how I miss-implemented the TWS solution, other than perhaps not adding in something in the jacobian portion?

Thank you
Spero Peters