Troops: follow these directions to submit your personal critical assessments of ME 452. AJB A.J. Baker, PhD, PE Professor Emeritus Director, UT CFD Laboratory, University of Tennessee Knoxville TN 37996 2030 USA Cell: 865.207.1537 ________________________________________ From: SAIS Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 4:34 PM To: Baker, Allen Jerome Subject: Spring 2011 Semester Online SAIS The online evaluation system was opened today for students enrolled in participating course(s). Students received an e-mail with the website and link for access into the online evaluation system via their UT e-mail account. Normally instructors are sent a notice that the system is open after students receive their initial e-mail. In order to access the online evaluation system, students must log on to the SAIS website: and click on the link "Spring 2011 Semester Online Evaluations." The evaluation system site CANNOT be bookmarked; all security protocol requires students to enter the system via The evaluation system will be available until midnight on May 2, 2011. Please remember that you may now check the response rate for your courses by clicking on the following link: Enter your Net ID and password and you will be able to see information about the course(s) you have elected to participate in Online SAIS, including the overall response rate. If you have problems accessing this site, please contact me at [log in to unmask] or by phone at 4-4373. Should students need assistance while completing the on-line SAIS, a link to the SAIS e-mail and office phone number are listed on several screens throughout the on-line evaluation process. If a students have difficulties, please encourage them to contact my office directly, often the problem can be resolved much faster than if they wait to address the issue with you at the next class meeting. In addition, if I may answer any of your questions, please contact me ([log in to unmask] or 974-4373). Thank you for your participation in the Spring 2011 Semester on-line SAIS.