

Spero, your code is precisely correct.  You must specifically name the data "h" in your code for it to work.  AJB

A.J. Baker, PhD, PE
Professor Emeritus
Director, UT CFD Laboratory,
University of Tennessee
Knoxville TN 37996 2030 USA
Cell: 865.207.1537

From: me452w [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Peters, Spero Michael
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 4:17 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Lab 12 TWS Conversion

Dr. Baker,

I'm working through Lab 12, and I'm not quite sure how to properly convert the GWS code to a TWS, unfortunately it seems that the video lecture labled as dealing with Lab 12 actually has you going over Lab 13.  I took the liberty of sending this through the listserv as your answer can benefit the whole class

Based on pseudo code in the problem statement, I put together this code to add onto the 'Equations for Set 0'  where h is

h = (right_X - left_X)/mesh   where mesh is 10,20,40,80

Orginal GWS code+...
+asres2D((h^2)*Pe/12,[ ],[ ],-1,'B211L',q)...
+asres2D((h^2)*Pe/12,[ ],[ ],-1,'B212L',q)...
+asres2D((h^2)*Pe/12,[ ],[ ],-1,'B221L',q)...
+asres2D((h^2)*Pe/12,[ ],[ ],-1,'B222L',q);

I'm not sure how I miss-implemented the TWS solution, other than perhaps not adding in something in the jacobian portion?

Thank you
Spero Peters