

The comment that ASIST members voted for their own chapters is completely off the mark.  The judging for best book in ASIST is not done by popular vote -- a jury reviews all the nominated, eligible books in a given year and chooses among them.  

The University of Maryland is a proud owner of ELIS-3, and the content of the chapters will not become dated quickly; I have used quite a few already in my classes as excellent introductions to particular topics. 

Trudi Hahn

Trudi Bellardo Hahn, MSLS, Ph.D.
Professor of the Practice
Maryland's i-School (College of Information Studies)
Hornbake Building South 4117F
University of Maryland
College Park, MD   20742

> ASIST members were kind enough to award it the "Best
> Information Science Publication of the Year" award for 2010.

  Well these were probably the authors voting for their own


  Thomas Krichel          
                                               skype: thomaskrichel