

Herb Goldhor was my advisor when I was in the Masters program at UIUC's GSLIS in 1974-1975. A real gentleman.
I think I made his day once. As a child I frequented the West Side branch of the Evansville (IN) Public Library. Herb was the chief librarian of the Evansville Public Library at that time. I remember visiting him in his GSLIS office for advice one time, and I mentioned my positive childhood experience in Evansville. He got this big smile on his face and was practically glowing. :-)
I had a class with him once where we were discussing censorship. He broke the class into groups and assigned a different banned book to each group. Herb sat in on our group. When we discussed our book, it was obvious that Herb was apalled by the contents. He seemed shocked. But that did not deter him from making a strong case that our personal feelings must not get in the way, and that we must resist censorship when we became librarians.
Finally, Herb basically got me my first post-MLS library job. After I was hired at an Illinois public library system, the system director confided in me that the main reason he hired me was because he was so impressed that Herb had written me a letter of reference. That shows the high regard that people held for Herb.
Bernie Sloan

--- On Wed, 4/13/11, Unsworth, John M <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Unsworth, John M <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Herbert Goldhor
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 3:39 PM

It is with considerable sadness that I write to report that Dr. Herbert Goldhor, former director of the Graduate School of Library Science at Illinois, former director of the Library Research Center, and professor emeritus of library and information science at the University of Illinois, passed away on Tuesday, March 29, at his home in Seattle, Washington. He was 94 years old. A memorial service will be held in Seattle for family and close friends later this spring.   A fuller obituary is on the GSLIS web site, at:

I had an enjoyable visit with Herb on his 94th birthday: his spirits were good and his wits were sharp right up to the end.

John Unsworth