As some may know and some may not, we recently had an accident in Studio 10 where one the mirrors in the room was cracked and needed to be replaced. Luckily nobody was hurt and we are all thankful for that but, I would just like to take this event and this time to remind everybody to be careful when doing your arts. There is inherent risk in all of the arts we do and things like the mirrors or giant pole in studio 10 do not help to lessen these risks at all. Just be mindful of what you are doing and where you doing them when practicing your arts. Safety is our and rec sports' number one concern for those who practice.
Also we should remain mindful that we are guests of the university in these spaces and we should strive to take care of them. The club does own the gear and mats we use, which we should also take care of because they are expensive to replace, but not the areas we practice in. Our ability to use those locations for our practices or tournaments is dependent on our ability to take care of them. We should all keep that in mind whenever we are practicing.
John Thompson
UTMA Vice President