

Hello Everyone!  I hope you are excited about tomorrow's awesome 
Conference...We are!

First, I wanted to take this chance to remind you to please RSVP to me by 
Monday, March 7th, 2011, 10:00pm for our meeting next Thursday.  Dr. 
Melanie Hodsong will be covering Brain Gyms. Brain Gyms - Did you know that 
people learn 85% through movement? Dr. Hodgson's Brain Gyms discussion & 
demonstration will show the value of movement and how we as counselors can 
learn stress reduction techniques.

The meeting will be at Knoxville Catholic (9245 Fox Lonas Road, Knoxville TN  
37923) in the library.  We will be serving Petro's at a cost of $10.00 per 
person.  I have to order food Tuesday, so I will need to know how much to 
order.  Also please let me know if you need a vegetarian option.  

Looking forward to hearing from you!  Hope you have a great weekend!

Mary Katherine Roberts
SMCA Secretary

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