

Just a friendly reminder that the JC is today at 3:30/ pizza at 3:15.

Title: Mathematical and Computational Advances in High-Throughput
Biological Data Analysis

Speaker: Mike Langston, University of Tennessee

Abstract: We will discuss the utility of innovative graph algorithms in
the analysis of high-throughput biological data. Using gene co-expression
network analysis as a central theme, we will describe the use of novel
tools for handling noisy data, and the role of model organisms in
successful applications to human health.

We will also discuss the utility of powerful mathematical methods and
computational platforms. Algorithms designed for shared memory machines
can be difficult to translate effectively to distributed memory models.
Moreover, problems are frequently of an enumerative flavor, and thus
output bound. The situation is confounded by FPGAs, multi-core processors,
GPUs, green computing and other so-called disruptive technologies.

Efficient combinatorial search remains a core concern. As time permits, we
will also touch on the quest for biomarkers and machine learning.

Conrad Plaut
Professor, Director of UT Math Honors
Math Department
Ayres Hall 224C
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-0612

Phone: 865-974-4319