

UW-Milwaukee, School of Information Studies International Initiatives Group (SIIG) Lecture

Featuring: Dr. Ismail Abdullahi, Professor
Global Library and Information Science, North Carolina Central University

As the world becomes more interconnected through new technologies, economics, population movements, and demographic and cultural changes, it is crucial for LIS schools to prepare students who are able to understand global information access and information policies and who will be able to promote transborder and transnational systems of communication among the people of the world. Please join the School of Information Studies and the SOIS International Initiatives Group (SIIG) as we welcome Dr. Ismail Abdullahi to speak about the importance of the internationalization of the LIS curriculum as an essential component in the education and training of LIS students.

Friday, April 15, 2011
12:00 - 2:30PM
Location: UWM Libraries 4th Floor Conference Rm.

Lunch will be served.

About the presenter:

Dr. Abdullahi is a professor of Global Library and Information Science. He is a graduate of the Royal School of Library and Information science in Denmark. He has an MLS from North Carolina Central University and a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.Prior to his NCCU appointment, he was on faculty at Clark Atlanta University 1992—2005 and The University of Southern Mississippi 1989-1992. He has worked as a librarian in Public, special, and academic libraries in Demark and the United Sates. He has also worked as a library consultant in Denmark, United States and United Kingdom.


Dr. Abdullahi is a recipient of many awards. Among them are: The Harold Lancour Award for Excellence in International and Comparative Study in Library and Information Science; The Meyers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights in the United Sates; Emerald Literati Award for Internationalization of Library Education in Europe and North America; A Leadership Award from the Black Caucus of the American Library Association; and numerous awards from community associations. Currently, he is ALA Councilor-at-Large, elected for the third term and Chair of Committee on Education (COE). He has served as Chair of ALA International Relations Committee (IRC), Chair of ALA Nominating Committee, Chair of Committee on Diversity (COD), Member of IFLA Section on Education and Training and Convener of IFLA LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (SIG).


Dr. Abdullahi has published two books, E. Josey: an Activist Librarian, Scarecrow, 1992; Global Library and Information Science: A Textbook for Students and Educators, IFLA Publications 136-137, K.G. Saur 2009 and numerous chapters in books and articles. His research interest includes Global Library and Information Science, Management and Leadership, Internationalization of LIS Education and Diversity and Intercultural Issues. He teaches LSIS 5000 Foundations of Librarianship and Information Services; LSIS 5120 Management and System Analysis; LSIS 5320 Global Libraries and Information Systems; LSIS 5180 The Public Library and STAB 1000 Study Abroad Denmark. His teaching Philosophy: he is a firm believer in active learning and maintains a very lively interactive classroom.

For questions or more information, please feel free to contact:
SOIS International Initiatives Group, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Information Studies
Email: [log in to unmask]

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UW-Milwaukee, School of Information Studies
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