

Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of the ALISE Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award Committee, I invite you to nominate yourself or your colleagues for this award. I know it’s early days yet, but never too soon to start planning for an award!


Please see below for details. Please also forward this message as appropriate.


Thank you!


Denice Adkins

Chair, The ALISE Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award






Nomination deadline: July 15, 2011.



This award is designed to identify innovation by full-time faculty members, or a group of full-time faculty members, in incorporating evolving information technologies in the curricula of accredited master’s degree programs in library and information studies.



Any full-time faculty member, or group of full-time faculty members, in a master’s degree-granting institution of library and information studies can be proposed for this award. Any eligible faculty member, or group of full-time members, may propose themselves for this award. Part-time faculty members are NOT eligible for this award.



Each nomination will be reviewed to assure that it is the work of an eligible faculty member and will be appraised with respect to


   1. Significance and innovative use of evolving technology - 30%

   2. Originality of concept - 20%

   3. Extent of impact on curricula, the University, and/or Society - 20%

   4. Transferability to programs at other institutions - 20%

   5. Collaborative technological approaches with other University units - 10%


The jury reserves the right not to give the Award if submissions do not meet the requirements or are of insufficient quality (a minimum 80% average score).


2011 Nominations should consist of:


    * A Nomination Letter (electronically or in hard copy) stating the name(s), address, and academic affiliation(s), and that the nomination is being submitted for the Pratt-Severn Faculty Award.


    * A Nomination Text of not more than 10 pages explaining what activities the nominee(s) performed that the submitter feels to be innovative in incorporating evolving information technologies in the curricula of accredited master’s degree programs in library and information studies. Include appropriate supporting documentation and up to two letters of endorsement.


The Committee may solicit more information, if necessary.


All nominations submitted shall be acknowledged upon receipt. Selection shall be made and the ALISE President, the winning faculty member, the Chair of the ALISE Awards and Honors Committee, and the Dean of Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science shall be notified by 60 days before the start of the ALISE annual meeting


Papers must be received by July 15, 2011. They should be emailed as an attachment in Word or PDF format to:


Denice Adkins, University of Missouri

Chair, The ALISE Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award

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Many thanks!!



Denice Adkins, Associate Professor

SISLT, University of Missouri