

WikiLeaks:  Transparency or Menace to Global Governance
Tues., March  8, 2011  -   6 p.m. 
Toyota Auditorium
Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy

It’s irresponsible . . . This will ruin foreign relations . . . This is an attack on the 
government’s ability to protect our country . . . They’re criminal!  

All of these allegations have been lodged against Julian Assange and Wikileaks.  
But is it irresponsible to promote transparency in government?  Is it criminal to 
expose government and military atrocities?  And is worldwide media and 
journalism moving into a new era in which exposure and accountability is more 
widely encouraged? 

Join us at the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy as our panel explores 
these questions and more.      
Victor Ashe, JD, former Ambassador to Poland, whose private cables were 
posted on WikiLeaks

Ben Bates, PhD, Professor,  UTK Journalism & Electronic Media,  on what 
Wikileaks and other collaborative and citizen news sites means for transparency 
and the future of journalism

David Brule, PhD, Assistant Professor,  UTK Political Science, on the effect of 
the leaked cables on US foreign relations

Jack McElroy, Editor, Knoxville News Sentinel 

Dwight Teeter, PhD, Professor, UTK Journalism & Electronic Media, will moderate 
the panel and offer his own perspective 

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