

A HUGE Factual correction in my previous post…


Salzburg is in Austria NOT Germany.    


Special thanks to my good friend Dr. Mehra who called this error to my attention J  --SLA


From: Allard, Suzanne Lorraine (Suzie)
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 9:27 AM
To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]
Subject: FW: Opportunities in Salzburg


SIS Community,


Below is an email about an exciting opportunity to study in Salzburg, Germany for graduate credit. International experiences are a wonderful addition to your program and provide new perspectives and understanding of the information context.  While SIS fully endorses the value of this experience, SIS does not have the resources to provide financial support. If you decide to pursue this, please talk to SIS to determine the best way to register for SIS credit. 


For more information  about the program at Salzburg, please contact Dr. Bates at [log in to unmask] .   He has all the information and has also spent a semester teaching at Salzburg so he can share details about the university and the region.  --SLA



Suzie Allard, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Assistant Director

University of Tennessee

College of Communication & Information

School of Information Sciences

453 Communication Building

Knoxville,  TN  37996-0341

phone: 865.974.1369

fax: 865.974.4967

email: [log in to unmask]


P Please consider the environment before printing this email.





From: Bates, Benjamin J
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 11:10 AM
To: Allard, Suzanne Lorraine (Suzie)
Cc: 'Peter Gross'
Subject: Opportunities in Salzburg


You may recall I was in Salzburg last Spring.  The full exchange relationship is now formalized and approved, and we’re looking for grad students who might be interested.  I think that some of the IS folks might be interested, particularly in working with the ICT&S center (Information and Communication Technology & Society) there.  They do things on HCI & usability and on social implications of ICTs on social inclusion and participation.  The Center’s website is

The exchange works in the sense of the grad student registers and pays fees at UT, which covers tuition and fees there, but is responsible for travel and living expenses.

I hope that you can share this with any interested students.


I’d be glad to talk to you and/or any interested grad students about the University and Salzburg.  We’ve just heard that we’re getting two of their grad students coming this fall, so would like to have some to send over next year as well.


Ben Bates