

Dr. Baker,
 My name is Terrence Mull, and I am enrolled in your ME 452 course for Spring 2011. Currently, I am deployed with the United States Air Force and will not return until the 15th of Jan. I would like to request that you hold my seat in your class.
Terrence (Terry) Mull
From: me452w [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Baker, Allen Jerome [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 10:27 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: ME 452 Spring semester

Troops: this message is being sent to all students enrolled in ME 452, both local and distance, as of the advance registration record of today.  If you are no longer enrolled in the course, reply via email so stating.  Further, if you know of someone considering the class but not yet enrolled, forward this message to them.

All enrollees to ME 452 will assemble on Thursday, January 13, at 3:40 pm in the CFD Laboratory, 317 Perkins Hall, for the inaugural meeting.  At this time you will fill out the first day attendance sheet confirming that you meet ALL 4 prerequisites.   The generic login to the ME 452 class website will be provided, and at a later time you will be assigned a personal login.

At this meeting, I will briefly describe how this course operates, which is similarly covered (for remote student’ benefit) in detail in the first archived lecture.  This course operates totally from the Internet archive, which means that there are NO "regular" class meetings.  Note the URL for the website is – it is not accessible from Blackboard.

The course text is The Computational Engineering Sciences available at the UT Bookstore only.  There are fewer copies on the shelf than the enrollment figure indicates might be required.  Distant enrollees can obtain the text directly from the publisher at<>..

You are in for a challenging and highly informative pedagogic experience.  AJB

A.J. Baker, PhD, PE
Professor Emeritus
Director, UT CFD Laboratory,
316A Perkins Hall
University of Tennessee
Knoxville TN 37996 2030 USA
Cell phone: 865.207.1537