We are pleased to announce NASA’s DEVELOP Summer 2011 Internship Program for undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Computer Science, Earth Science, Natural Resource Management, Mathmatical Modeling, Geology, Biology, and Environmental Engineering.  This is a paid 10-week internship program located at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California that begins June 6, 2011 (for semester system) or June 13 (for quarter system). 
DEVELOP is a NASA Science Mission Directorate Applied Sciences Program that fosters human capital development to extend science research to local communities. Student teams research NASA science capabilities relevant to community concerns, create and complete projects using remote sensing and GIS techniques, and create advanced computer generated visualizations demonstrating research results. The activities are student-led, with mentors from NASA and partner organizations. 
A stipend will be provided for selected students. Housing for students coming from outside the area will be provided and is located near the DEVELOP facilities, with accessible public transportation.  The Program also covers per diem and other travel costs for fieldwork conducted during the Program. 
Attached is a flyer to post in your department. Please feel free to forward this email to any other departments or people you think might be interested. Applications must be postmarked by Monday February 28, 2011.  Interviews will be conducted shortly after applications are received. Students selected for a summer 2011 DEVELOP internship will be notified by late April.   
For further information on the DEVELOP Internship Program at NASA Ames Research Center, please access the National Program website at: http://develop.larc.nasa.gov
Please don’t hesitate to phone or email me for more information or clarification, and please forward this opportunity to any departments or student email lists who would be interested.
Michelle Newcomer
Ames Center Lead-Student Manager
DEVELOP Internship Program
NASA Ames Research Center: MS 242-4
Moffett Field, CA 94087

Bruce Ralston
Professor Emeritus
Department of Geography
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-0925
Phone: 865-974-6043
FAX: 865-974-6025

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