

Upcoming Event
Category : Systems and Applications
Message : As many of you know, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 files have created problems when imported into a class agenda, and heretofore have been unsupported in Centra.

SABA has developed a patch to remedy this problem. They will be applying it to our hosted servers during the scheduled maintenance window from midnight-3:00 am on Friday, April 1, 2011.

Going forward, users who are using Microsoft Office 2010 must install the PowerPoint 2003/2002 Add-in: Office Animation Runtime on their machines. The Office Animation Runtime and installation instructions are provided by Microsoft at

This patch will not impact standard Centra performance. We do, however recommend that student and faculty attend their next online session a few minutes early, as the client software will do a brief update before launching.

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OIT HelpDesk  (865) 974-9900