See citation below--available in jstor.
 Art Young

Arthur P. Young
9 Sandy Brook Drive
Durham, NH 03824

Home: 603-868-1609
Cell:  603-479-4910
Email: [log in to unmask]
>>> Charley Seavey <[log in to unmask]> 12/17/2010 1:51 PM >>>
Realizing full well I am dating myself here... Does anybody know where, or have
a copy of, an article Dan Gore wrote in the Chronicle somewhere in the.. late
60s, very early 70s, along the lines of "Mismanagement of College/University
Libraries" - or words to that effect? I remember discussing it while getting my
MLS in the earlyish 70s- (Thanks, Herman Totten)-

Charley Seavey
The Professor
Ranganathan said it all!