

Dear Friends,

As you think about your end-of-the-year giving, we hope that you will consider 
the Baker Center!!

Since early 2003 the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy has been 
working to provide policy makers, citizens, scholars, and students with 
information and skills to work effectively within our political system.  We seek 
to embody the values of our namesake, Howard Baker, Jr. who epitomizes 
bipartisanship, civility, and a belief in the value of compromise.  Baker was 
known during his career as, “The Great Reconciliator” for his ability to cross 
party lines and encourage lawmakers to cooperate on key issues affecting the 
public good and believed that “Politics is an honorable profession and should 
always remain in the hands of its citizens.”  At the Baker Center we are 
dedicated to promoting and understanding the responsibilities and rewards of 
public service and the importance of each citizen’s active involvement in the 
democratic process.  We are also dedicated to producing high quality research, 
conferences, and public lectures in the policy areas of governance studies; 
energy and environment; global security and health care that reflect these 
values.  Additionally, we are committed to providing unique research and other 
learning opportunities to the students at the university through our many 
student engagement programs.  We hope that you agree that the Baker Center 
is a great resource to both the UT campus and the community as a whole and, 
thus, will consider contributing to our center so that we may continue to 
provide the sorts of programming and opportunities presented.  Your 
contributions at any and all levels are essential to our continued success and 
are greatly appreciated.

We thank you in advance for joining us in supporting the students, and the 
programming at Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy.