

Hey everybody,

We have a meeting this Wednesday Nov. 10th at 6:30. With the end of daylight savings time, it looks like we'll meet inside for the first time this year in Humanities room 68.

Mountain Biking is coming up this weekend at Tsali, so if you need a bike, helmet, or a tent or any camping gear, you need to go reserve it at UTOP, & pick it up by Friday afternoon. We'll be carpooling from UTOP at 5:30 on Friday. We'll have a full day of riding on Saturday, ride Sunday till everyone's had their fill or it gets dark, which is around 6 pm now.

Also this weekend, Madeline Shelly is leading a backpacking trip to Fork Ridge, NC. While this trip is unofficial, which means no gas reimbursement or free gear, you can still get the UTCH gear discount at UTOP. It's also a great chance to get a hike in, meet some people, and carpool, so your wallet stays heavy.

Next weekend, Nov. 19-21 we have a backpacking trip to Mount Rogers planned; more to come later on that trip. Also, we have a sport climbing/bouldering trip to the OBED planned. Jesse Weber will be leading the climbing trip. At the risk of sounding cheesy, climbing is pretty serious in terms of risk, and this is the first time we've been allowed to do a climbing trip in several years, and we have to be pretty cautious. So, if you are wanting to go on the climbing trip this is what you need to do before hand:

Attend this Wednesday's or next Wednesday's club meeting so Jesse can personally meet with everyone and see how much climbing experience you have etc. Also, it is mandatory that everyone going attends a belay clinic at the VolWall before the trip if you don't know how to do it or haven't done it in a while. These are M-Thurs at 7pm, take an hour or less, and are free. Try to show up in a group of at least 2 to take the class, because you will be working in teams of 2.

If you need to contact Jesse Weber is email is [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> , cell (865) 964-5824.


The same weekend as the climbing and Mt. Rogers trip, UTOP is working with AMBC? to do some mountain bike trail maintenance on Sunday in south Knoxville, they will provide lunch. If we get more than 20 people from the club to participate, then we'll have our community service project out of the way, which would be cool. So if you're not going on the other trips & you're interested let me know.


See you Wednesday!





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