

Today's JC is at 3:35 in HBB 102, preceded by pizza in Aconda 113.

The speaker is Dr. Sara Del Valle of Los Alamos National Lab.

Title: Great Careers in the Mathematical Sciences


Applied mathematics and computational science have become essential tools
in the development of advances in science and technology. In this talk, I
will discuss different mathematical applications used in transportation,
infectious diseases, and economic modeling. I will also describe some
universal distinguishing traits of good career choices that can guide your
decisions and increase your chances of having a great career.

Conrad Plaut
Professor, Director of UT Math Honors
Math Department
Aconda Ct. 104
1534 Cumberland Ave.
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-0612

Office: Aconda Ct. 401A
Phone: 865-974-4319