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DOT Releases New Freight Transportation Data

U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) today released its new version of Freight Analysis Framework, the
most comprehensive publicly available data set of freight movement.

"A transportation network that meets the needs of consumers and
businesses is the foundation of economic recovery, which underscores the
need for infrastructure investment," U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray
LaHood said. "We are working to make sure our transportation system is
up to meeting this growing demand."

Estimates show that in 2007, nearly 18.6 billion tons of goods worth
about $16.5 trillion were moved on the transportation network, which
equates to 51 million tons of goods valued at more than $45 billion a
day moved throughout the country on all transportation modes.

After declines in 2008 and 2009, preliminary estimates indicate a return
to growth in 2010. Freight Analysis Framework projections show tonnage
will continue increasing 1.6 percent per year, reaching 27.1 billion
tons by 2040, which is a 61 percent increase in tons between 2010 and

Trucks are still the single most-used mode to move freight, especially
for distances less than 500 miles - they moved 69 percent of the weight
and 65 percent of the value in 2007. Intermodal goods movement accounted
for 18 percent of the value of freight transportation in 2007 and is
forecast to grow to nearly 27 percent by 2040.

"The data confirms how critical our highways are to moving freight and
to our nation's economy," Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez
said. "Overall increasing and improved intermodal freight movement will
lead to less energy consumption and more environmentally sustainable

The Freight Analysis Framework includes data on the amount and types of
goods that move by land, sea and air between large metropolitan areas,
states and regions. It is designed to provide information on national
level freight flows across the nation's transportation network. This
information helps the public and private sectors at all levels better
understand freight movement, and transportation planners use it to
better target scarce resources to improve operations or increase

More detail on the Freight Analysis Framework is available at: