

Hey everyone!
I just want to let everyone know of the upcoming events.
On Dec. 2 ( this Thursday), we are going to have a geography study party! So this is for anyone in geography courses. Show up at 5 in the 3rd floor lounge, and then we can split into smaller study groups for whichever class you need to study for. This is meant for us to bounce ideas off of each other, so the more people that show up, the better we should all be. 
Next, we are hoping to do another fun Mellow Mushroom Night! This is set for December 3 at 7 pm. Everyone is invited! We just want to have a end of the year de-stressor, so show up, eat pizza, and have fun!!
Also, there has been a mix up with the Krispy Kreme Doughnut Sale, so we are hoping to push that to the beginning of next semester (look for January 20th and 21st!). Sorry for any inconvience, we weren't happy either. But it will happen in the Spring semester!
T-shirt sales are also to take place the first weeks of next semester. We just ran out of time this semester, but we will be good to then. 
As always, contact me for any questions or ideas. Thank you to everyone who has been helping out with Club Geography, and look for upcoming emails and events! Good luck with finals!!
Sarah Jones
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Club Geography

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