

Salutations one and all,

We have a meeting this Wed. same time same place. After the meeting this Wednesday, whoever wants to hop on a bike and ride to El Mezcal off of the greenway is welcome. If you don’t have a bike, bum one off a friend. Driving a car is fine too, but we’ll have a separate table for you.

This Thursday, a few folks from the club are going to meet up at lot 66 parking lot at 10:30pm. We will carpool & drive out away from town to watch the meteor shower. The plan is to go up to Chimney Tops, it’s an hour away or so. There is a somewhat steep hike/climb up to the spot where we will look out from. The best time to watch is after midnight, so we’ll be there by then and stay for a while and then head back home. This will be an unofficial club trip so we’ll all just chip in for gas. Grab a headlamp from UTOP if you need one (ask for the UTCH discount), or you can pick one up from wal-mart for about 10 bucks.

 Friday is the Roan Mtn. Backpacking trip, so go reserve your gear at UTOP, they are open from 1-6pm. We’ll be camping in a barn, so no need for a tent. From what I understand, you need to carry all of your water, because there’s no good place to refill or filter from. We will meet Saturday morning at lot 66 at 7:30 am, leave shortly after. We’ll try to get the carpooling figured out at the meeting this week, so that we won’t need to leave cars at the lot. It’s a home game this weekend, so we can’t leave our cars there. We’ll be back Sunday evening  by 7 at the earliest I think, maybe a couple hrs later.

Coming Up:

Roan Mountain Backpacking – Oct. 22-24

Day Hike – Oct. 24 (for those that want to stay in town for the game & still want to get a hike in)              -              -unofficial trip

Tsali Mtn. Biking – Nov. 12-14

Mt. Rogers Backpacking – Nov. 19-21


We have a Halloween party on Saturday Oct. 30, at Ben and Chris’s house, the caboose. So wear a costume, and prepare for a fun night. We're looking at having a keg. Bring your friends.

            We will have the meeting on Oct. 27th over at their house as well, bring a pumpkin & knife for carving, then we'll light them up on Saturday night.

As a club sport, we are required to do some community service. Nov. 21 – UTOP has invited us to do Mtn. Bike trail maintenance in south Knoxville, they will provide lunch, please sign up for this or let me know if you can help out.

We also have a tradition of having a formal (tuxedos & dresses) party, this year I believe Megan Spoone is hosting it, more to come on that later. It will be sometime right around when classes let out before finals.


See you soon,

Logan (Shaggy)

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