

Well Howdy do all you canoers & hikers,
Welcome back from Fall Break, I hope everyone got to enjoy the great outdoors this past weekend, the weather was purrrfect. Just a reminder, we have a meeting this Wednesday, 10/13 at 6:30. We might have to meet inside for the first time this year; looks like it might rain. We'll be in Humanities room 68 if the weather is bad, but if not we'll be right outside near the bull statue as always. Post meeting dinner and funtime/study break ? location TBD - just call or txt if you want to come to that and you can't make it to the meeting. One of these days we should ride our bikes down the greenway to El Mezcal, before it gets too chilly. See you at the meeting!
-Logan (Shaggy)
UTCH President
(423) 863-1521

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