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TMG Survey Questionnaire on tax-exempt status Many of you have contacted me asking how to proceed in filing for non-profit status for your county organizations. Currently there is no way for county groups to file under UT Extension since UT is not a 501c3 but a “government organization.” It is difficult and expensive for county groups to file nonprofit status without incorporating as a 501c3.

TMG is looking into a couple options but we would like to get your feedback on what would be the best option for your county and the entire state program.

Please complete the survey linked at the bottom of this email. Your input is valuable!

Beth Babbit
Horticulture Specialist/Master Gardener Coordinator
UT Extension- Plant Sciences
252 Ellington PSB
2431 Joe Johnson Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
W 865-974-7324
F 865-974-1947

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