

On Tue, 5 Oct 2010, Chris Coveney wrote:

> We want to offer JPG images in place of microfilm of some of our
> collection. This would be done from a network share on networked
> microfilm scanner workstations (already logged into a generic account).
> Is there a way to make the images viewable and printable, but NOT
> saveable. (Do patrons can not steal the images.)

I am pretty sure that there is no mechanism in a JPG file itself for this. 
I can't say whether there is a way inside a webserver for this.

However, if you made them available as PDF files, there IS a mechanism for 
this. And if compression options are chosen well, a PDF should be only 
slightly larger than the JPG contained within.

....Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

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