

and Council

“Libraries Beyond Libraries: Integration, Innovation, and Information 
for All”


San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 13-18, 2011



Beyond the United Nations Decade of Literacy: What Libraries Can Do


The Literacy and Reading Section is seeking proposals for  a program 
to be held at the IFLA Conference in Puerto Rico in August, 2011.


As the United Nations Decade of Literacy winds down in 2012, it is a 
good time for libraries to assess their ongoing initiatives for 
advancing literacy.  The program will showcase innovative and 
effective library-based literacy programs from diverse parts of the 


Proposals are requested for as many as ten tabletop presentations 
which will be given simultaneously.  After an opening plenary keynote 
address, audience members will rotate to three different 
fifteen-minute presentations of their choice.  Presenters will 
therefore be asked to repeat their presentation three times for three 
different sets of people.


Proposals chosen for presentation will be specific about how libraries 
have tackled issues related to literacy in their particular setting. 
 They should be grounded in theory, research, and/or practical 
applications.  Because these projects will be presented in an 
informal, small group setting, speakers should plan some visual 
accompaniment such as a poster that can be set up on the table. 
 Presenters may also want to bring brochures or flyers to hand out. 
 People submitting successful proposals will be asked to write a brief 
paper summarizing their literacy program for publication in the IFLA 
Proceedings.  All chosen presenters will be listed in the official 
conference program.


Proposals should provide the following information:

             Name and institution of speaker(s)

             Brief biographical information

             Proposal title

             Brief (300 to 500 word) description of project and 
presentation format

             Language of presentation


Proposals should be sent to Elena Corradini at [log in to unmask] 
by December 1, 2010.    Please indicate IFLA Proposal on the subject 
line.  Finalists will be notified by January 15, 2011, and will be 
expected to submit final versions of their papers in one of the 
official IFLA languages by May 15, 2011.


For more information, please contact Ivanka Stricevic (Chair of 
Literacy and Reading Section) at [log in to unmask]


Please note that it is the speakers’ responsibility to find funding 
for their participation.