

For immediate release           From: Susan Haine McDonnell, 215.895.6271

An Advanced Degree from The iSchool at Drexel:
The First Step to Becoming Part of a Growing Field

Philadelphia  (September , 2010) - Adrianna Del Collo (2006), an alumna of The iSchool at Drexel, College of Information Science Technology's Master of Science in Library and Information Science, has the kind of job many people can only dream about - associate archivist at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art.

As an undergraduate, Del Collo majored in art history and aspired to work as a museum curator. This goal changed when she began an internship at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and was put to work in the museum's library and archives. She fell in love with archival work and decided to pursue a master of science in Library and Information Science at The iSchool at Drexel, College of Information Science and Technology.

"Drexel was the obvious choice for me because I began my degree while I was working full- time," she said. "The program was designed to accommodate working professionals, offering most classes in the evening hours. As a result, the students in the program were very diverse, many already working in the field, others just starting out, and others pursuing a career change."

Librarianship is a field open to possibility. While some may consider careers in this area of study to begin and end with public, academic, and school libraries, the reality is that many of the opportunities available are less traditional in nature. According to the American Library Association (ALA), there are approximately 122,566 libraries in the United States. This number, which includes public libraries, academic libraries, and school libraries, also accounts for government libraries, armed forces libraries and special libraries. Career changers - or even those just entering the workforce - who have knowledge in such areas as business, law or the arts, among others, are finding niche positions both in traditional library settings and in industry.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010-2011 Occupational Outlook Handbook, jobs in librarianship should increase by about eight percent during the next decade and while there will be growth in traditional library settings, opportunities for librarians beyond traditional settings are expected to see the fastest growth. The handbook notes private corporations, nonprofit organizations, and consulting firms as some of the types of employers looking for the skills librarians can provide. In fact, there are more than 8,906 special libraries in the United States, according to ALA, which include medical, law, corporate and religious libraries, among others. The median annual salary for a librarian: $52,530.

Growth in other iSchool at Drexel master's degree program-related sectors is expected in the next decade as well. Careers in network systems and data communications analysis are among the fastest-growing occupations in America, with a projected 53 percent increase in positions (115,800 new jobs), and boasting a median annual salary of $71,100.

The iSchool at Drexel's  master of science in Software Engineering can help students get a foot in the door of one of the country's highest-paying jobs, which is also one of the 30 fastest-growing U.S. careers - computer systems software engineer. The median annual salary for this job title is $96,620, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects 120,000 new jobs in this field by 2018.

For  those interested in advancing their career or changing careers altogether? The iSchool at Drexel's Fall Graduate Open House will offer opportunities to  learn about programs that can help those interested meet their goals. Drexel has a number of  our nationally ranked programs including the master of science in Library and Information Science (9th in the U.S. by U.S. News & World Report), master of science in Information Systems, and master of science in Software Engineering. The iSchool at Drexel Fall Graduate Open House will be held Saturday, October 30, 2010, from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at the Rush Building, 30 N. 33rd St. in Philadelphia.

For those interested in doctoral studies, The iSchool at Drexel's Ph.D. in Information Studies may be the right fit. Graduates of the iSchool's doctoral program are research leaders in software engineering, data mining, library and information studies, and much more. The iSchool is hosting a Ph.D. open house Wednesday, October 27, from 5-7 p.m.

Visit<> for information about upcoming open houses and to learn more about the iSchool's programs.

Founded in 1892, The iSchool at Drexel educates students in information science and technology at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels and features Drexel University's Cooperative Education program. The College's mission is to unite technology, people, and information to make a fundamental difference in tomorrow's knowledge society. The iSchool at Drexel is a founding member of the iSchools Caucus of more than 25 prominent colleges dedicated to immersing students in the iField - connecting people, information and technology. For more information visit