

As a current JELIS intern whose two-year appointment is winding down, I offer my whole-hearted endorsement of the internship.
I learned much in the way of behind-the-scenes happenings of research publication, and it has been an invaluable experience.   
Sincerest thanks to Dr. Burnett and Dr. Kazmer, and to Nicole A. Cooke (my co-intern), Janet Capps, and Sung Jae Park, for making the JELIS internship experience so worthwhile.  
Cela a été magnifique,
Sheri Edwards, Ph.D. Candidate 
School of Information Sciences 
The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN USA 
Electronic journals and changes in scholarly article seeking and reading patterns <> 
Aslib Proceedings 61(1), 5-32 (2009)


From: Open Lib/Info Sci Education Forum on behalf of Sung Jae Park
Sent: Wed 9/1/2010 1:40 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: JELIS Editorial Board Intern Opportunity

The Journal for Education in Library and Information Science (JELIS) is seeking doctoral students to serve as interns on its Editorial Board. Two interns will be selected for two year appointments.

Editorial Board Interns will gain experience in research publication by:

1. Co-authoring a journalist-style profile for each issue to be published on the JELIS website.

2. Posting tables of contents, profile and featured research articles and moderating blog posts.

3. Assisting the editors in coordinating and staffing the annual meetings of the editorial board (held at the ALISE annual conference).

4. Attending editorial meetings once a month to assist the editors in coordinating activities of the editorial board, including:

*	Identifying the scope of journal content and, when appropriate, themes for various issues. 
*	Determining criteria for accepting manuscripts for publication consideration.

*	Developing criteria and guidelines for reviewers to use in reviewing each type of manuscript (research articles, brief communications and reviews). 
*	Developing criteria and guidelines for authors to use in creating each type of manuscript (research articles, review articles, brief communications and reviews). 
*	Formulating recommendations for consideration by the ALISE Publications Committee.

5.      Assisting the editors in soliciting and reviewing manuscripts as appropriate.

6.      Assisting in preparation of manuscripts for final publication.

7.      Promoting JELIS to potential authors, reviewers, readers and indexers.

8.      Assisting with data collection for annual JELIS satisfaction survey.


Application deadline is September 15, 2010. Applications are available at

Kathleen Burnett & Michelle Kazmer
Editors, JELIS
FSU School of Library & Information Studies