

The editors of the Journal of Education for Library & Information Science (JELIS) are pleased to their offer congratulations to the 2010 ALISE Best Conference Paper Award Winners! Articles developed from these papers will appear in Volume 51, no. 4, which will be published in October 2010.

Sidath Gunawardena, Rosina Weber and Denise E. Agosto,Finding That Special Someone: Interdisciplinary Collaboration in an Academic Context

Bill Kules and Jennifer McDaniel, LIS PRogram Expectations of Incoming Students' Technology Knowledge and Skills

Scott Nicholson, Inviting the World Into the Online Classroom: Teaching a Gaming in Libraries Course via YouTube

Jeannette Bastian, Ross Harvey, Martha Mahard and Terry Plum, Building a Virtual Archives and Preservation Curriculum Laboratory at Simmons College: A Case Study in Collaborative Construction

Kathy Burnett & Michelle Kazmer
Editors, JELIS