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Collaborative Information Seeking: Toward New Theories and Applications
ACM GROUP 2010 Workshop
November 7, 2010
Sanibel Island, Florida, USA

Collaboration is often required or encouraged for activities that are too complex or difficult to deal with for an individual. Similarly, many situations involving information seeking also call for people working together. Despite its natural appeal and situational necessity, collaborative information seeking (CIS) is an understudied domain. The nature of the available information and its role in our lives have changed significantly, but the methods and tools that are used to access and share that information in collaboration have remained largely unaltered.

The area of collaborative information seeking/retrieval/behavior (CIS/CIR/CIB) has drawn a new stream of interest to it in the recent years. This has been possible due to involvement and initiatives of several prominent researchers from various fields, such as IR, HCI, LIS, and CSCW. This workshop is aimed to take these efforts to the next level by focusing on theories and models that are grounded in the literature and existing empirical studies, as well as applications and tools that help us advance the field further. 

We are interested in bringing together a group of researchers working on various conceptual and technical aspects of CIS for addressing a wide range of challenges in the field.

We envision addressing the following objectives in the workshop:

In general, we want to keep the workshop lively with discussions, where the participants will be encouraged to share not only their own research, but also review relevant work from other researchers and venues.


We welcome submission from researchers and practitioners who are interested in conceptual and technical research on collaborative information seeking, search, retrieval, and sensemaking. For submission details, please see our workshop website http://collab.infoseeking.org/events/group2010workshop/. The workshop submission should be e-mailed to Dr. Chirag Shah ([log in to unmask]) by 5 pm PST on September 12, 2010. If you have any questions about the workshop or your submission, please contact Dr. Shah.
Since the workshop will be highly interactive, the number of participants will be strictly limited. So, if you are interested in participating, please submit your workshop paper by the deadline.

September 12, 2010: Position papers due
September 19, 2010: Notification of acceptance
October 1, 2010: Early registration deadline for GROUP 2010 conference
November 7, 2010: Workshop, followed by an optional group dinner

Dr. Chirag Shah, Rutgers University
Dr. Madhu Reddy, Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Michael Twidale, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign


Chirag Shah, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Communication & Information (SC&I)
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
4 Huntington St, New Brunswick NJ 08901, USA
p. +1 732-932-7500 x 8240 f. +1 732-932-6916 