

Do you want to be a BOBCAT too??
You are hereby invited to join us at the next BOBCATSSS conference! Come
and meet your fellow library and information professionals, be inspired,
meet new friends and see the beautiful city of Szombathely!
BOBCATSSS is an annual symposium organized by LIS students at a number of
universities in Europe. It takes place under the auspices of EUCLID
(European Association for Library and Information Education and Research)
and deals with themes regarding library and information science. Every
the symposium attracts about 400 students and teachers from all over the
world. BOBCATSSS is a great forum to meet other information science
students and professionals and to visit the host city with all its
The next BOBCATSSS symposium will take place in Szombathely, Hungary on
31th January, 1th and 2th February, 2011.

The BOBCATSSS 2011 symposium is organized by students from the University
of Western Hungary (The Savaria Campus), Hungary, Oslo University College,
Norway and University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Austria. The target
groups of the symposium are students and professors in the field of
Information science. 

The 19th BOBCATSSS conference takes place in beautiful Szombathely in
Hungary, about 3 hours outside Budapest. Next year’s conference theme is
'Finding new ways'. The field of information science has undergone many
changes, and as a profession librarians have adapted to these changes. But
what will these adaptations entail for the future? What options do you
as an educated information professional today, and tomorrow? 
Do you have a paper or research you would like te share with the LIS
community? This is your chance! You can submit your contribution in the
form of an abstract (paper), as a poster or as a workshop. The
will be open from 28th June 2010, and the deadline for submitting
is the 1th October 2010. 
For more information on the themes and deadlines, and to submit your
contribution, please visit our webpage: