

How to conquer? Unite! How to do more with less? Collaborate!


Your STC-ETC Executive Committee is planning to co-host the annual STC competition with the Middle Tennessee Chapter and alternate sites so that one year, like this year, we can focus on PCOC and the next on the competition. One year we support them; the next, they support us.


Here is information from Middle TN on the 2010-2011 competition. Plan to submit your work, or judge! Judging is fun and informative. This year, the Society is offering training for judges, which will make it even better. Think about it. Let's see your work, and let's get your evaluative opinion.



Middle Tennessee Chapter 2010-2011 Competition
Technical Communication Competition

It’s that time of year again…time to select and submit your entries in the annual technical communication competition. The Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication is once again sponsoring a competition at the chapter level to recognize and celebrate exceptional technical communication materials. This year, STC has changed the name of the competition. The technical publications and online competitions are now simply referred to as the STC Summit Awards. The name change reflects the newly restructured competition. This year, you submit entries in one of the following four categories, regardless of the media used to create the entry:


·         Informational Materials

·         Instructional Materials

·         Promotional Materials

·         User Support Materials.


In other words, you might enter an online help file in addition to a different printed manual, both in the User Support Materials category. To participate in the competition:
1. Review the chapter website:
2. Complete the entry form:
3. Include 4 original copies of each entry.
4. Submit entries by October 20, 2010.


We also welcome judging volunteers. You can be a judge regardless of whether you submit an entry. Judging takes place between October 30 and November 30, 2010, and no travel is required. For more information about judging responsibilities, visit our website at