is pleased to announce a one-week extension of the deadline for 2011 Annual
Meeting submissions from July 15, 2010 to July 22, 2010 at 11:59 PM Pacific
is great news for those of you who thought you might miss the deadline! We want
to have a strong showing of proposals for our SIG, RESEARCH, EDUCATION,
INFORMATION, and SCHOOL LIBRARIES (REISL). So, please be sure to submit yours!
year’s theme is “Inciting the Social Imagination: Education Research for the Public Good.” That theme fits nicely with what school
libraries and media centers offer through our focus on information literacy and
lifelong learning. REISL is open to a
wide variety of topics on this theme to be presented at the 2011 AERA Annual
Meeting in New Orleans, April 8-12.
look forward to your submission to REISL.
It should be a Word document of 6 pages in length, double-spaced (less
than 2000 words). The following elements
must be addressed even if your results, conclusions, or findings are not
complete or final at the time of the submission:
can upload your submission online at Program Chair Michelle Kowalsky ([log in to unmask]) can
answer any questions you might have.